KEYNOTE OR WORKSHOP: What is True About Brain-Based Learning? : Brain Bites

KEYNOTE OR WORKSHOP: What is True About Brain-Based Learning?

by Janet Zadina on 10/16/17

Are you perpetuating neuromyths in your practices?  Teachers can’t afford to waste valuable learning time engaging in practices based on old myths about learning. See for yourself how the brain actually learns.  Leave with credible practices based on current neuroscience.  Come prepared to laugh, engage, and participate in experiential activities presented by an experienced high school teacher who became a neuroscientist.

This presentation brings a unique vision that most cannot bring because the presenter is a former high school teacher who became a neuroscientist, doing MRI brain scan research on dyslexia.  She understands the difference between good research and media hype and translates this into credible practices (author of books on this topic). The presentation includes experiential activities from science that amaze while teaching.  She models brain-compatible practices throughout the presentation. It is presented with amazing visuals, humor, and engagement.

The goal is threefold: 1) to dispel myths about brain-based learning.  Research indicates that most teachers believe many myths which can translate into practices that may actually harm, or at least, waste time. 2) to replace the myths with a better understanding of learning processes.  3) to provide credible strategies based on new research that will help all learners, especially diverse and struggling learners.

Attendees will be amazed as their beliefs are challenged.  They will acquire new strategies they can use immediately with all grades and content areas.  They can see brain-compatible teaching modeled by the presenter and participate in energizing activities illustrating scientific principles.

with Dr. Janet Zadina
Copyright 2013 Janet Zadina, Ph.D. All rights reserved
Janet N. Zadina, Ph.D
Brain Research and Instruction

Science and Strategies
Janet N. Zadina, Ph.D
Brain Research and Instruction
Bridging Neuroscience and Education​

"Science and Strategies"
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by Janet Zadina on 05/03/2023